In today’s episode, I interviewed now Captain Malone. We discussed her experiences and opinions on EMS as a current advisor and past explorer of the Explorer Post 247. I hope you enjoy it! This episode dives into what her role as an advisor entails, the career she would have been in if she hadn’t chosen EMS, and what a typical day in her life as a captain looks like.

Meet Captain Malone Emergency Medicine Memoirs

First, Captain Malone addresses how she became an advisor after being an explorer in the post and what she does for the post. She explains that as one of the lead advisors, she manages all of the events related to planning. She plans our public events, our lessons for the weekly meetings, and the ride-out schedule. These three items are crucial to why our post is one of the largest and most successful EMS posts in Central Texas – it allows us to be organized and driven by constantly having new items and tasks to complete. Captain Malone’s role in the post is integral to how we function and why we have so many explorers!

Next, Captain Malone reveals that she was an avid piano player growing up. She was offered a scholarship at a university to play piano. Looking back on it, she realizes she would have been very bored as a pianist but glad she had that opportunity to play all her life. She draws on to the fact that it’s still great she’s in medicine because it’s a career that does allow you to have many hobbies. Captain Malone’s story resonated a lot with me. As I said in the podcast, I am a musician. But, I don’t think I could be a singer as my career. So, it’s great to know that I am going into a field that celebrates all of the different hobbies and activities that individuals enjoy while still being able to give back to others.

Lastly, Captain Malone walks us through a day in her life on shift. After arriving at the station, she typically grabs the radio, keys, and drug pouch from the last shift. Then, she counts through and logs all of the drugs to ensure that everything is present, everything is intact and there are no documentation errors. Afterward, the previous shift shares what calls they had, what drugs they had to use, any treatments they might have given, and if there were/are any issues with the truck or equipment. Then, an entire truck check is done to ensure the truck is completely stocked. All the while, she and her partner are still logged in so they can receive calls. She recounts that although the EMT life can be extremely sporadic and random, it’s nice to have some time when not on calls to catch up on overdue items.

Ultimately, Captain Malone highlights how, growing up, although completely enamored by the piano, she found her dream career in EMS through the explorer post. Later, she became an advisor because she wanted to give back to the community, which allowed her to grow and learn about her passion.

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